“Thou art the prime and great áš akti
(energy) and the very form of all energies. By the help of thy energy we engage
in the works of creation, preservation and destruction. Endless are thy
manifestations, forms and colour. Nirvana Tantra
The Sakti (energy) is taking new forms and shapes and every
time it takes a new form, we give it a new name. Shakti is manifesting
continuously with Shiva. Shiva is the pure consciousness (static energy) while
shakti is the dynamic one. Shakti is flowing within as Prana and is also as
Kundalini seated on the root chakra. Many of the spiritual practices are
dedicated to awaken this energy, as here lays the secret of Self-enlightenment.
This is how many people have been perceiving enlightenment, which causes them to
search for practices to just awaken the Kundalini. Kundalini awakening without
preparation is a dangerous affair. The energy in Kundalini is immense and
Sadhak or Sadhika need to prepare their body for it.
The study of the tantra is mostly related to worship of the
Feminine Energy, the Goddess. The Shakt branch sees everything as a
manifestation of the female energy and believes that everything seen or unseen,
real or unreal is an expression of the
Female aspect of the universe. There are other Tantras too which are associated
with the worship of Shiva, Vishnu and Ganesh.
Here in “Shakti Tantra” we are essentially deliberating over
the Wisdom of “Das Mahavidhyas” or “Ten Wisdom Goddesses”
Kali Tara Mahavidya Shodashi Bhuvaneshwari
Bhairavi Chinnamasta Cha Vidya Dhumavati
Matangi siddha Vidya Cha Kathita Baglamukhi
Eta Dasha Maha Vidya Sarva Tantreshu Gopitah
Kali, Tara, Shodashi, Bhuvaneshwari, Bhairavi, Chinnamasta, Dhumavati,
Matangi, Kamala, And Bagla Mukhi are ten Mahavidyas which are secret of all
As the energy changes its forms, various aspects of the
goddess are revealed, which reveal the inherent quality of everything that
exists. The mystery is veiled in such a subtle manner that every Sadhak or
Sadhika bounds to see a totally different view with different tools. The tools
like mantra and yantra help us to unveil the true nature of what is real, pure
and divine within and outside.
A major part of Tantra is related to study of Ten Wisdom
Goddesses. What is revealed during the study of each goddess separately is
phenomenal. Every practitioner gets a different revelation completely based on
his/her Psyche and most importantly “Need of inner being”
Shakti Tantra by Ma Shakti Devpriya is done exclusively for
Females under IMSCON (International Mission for Shakti Consciousness.) It been
understood that females are not able to even accept their feminity completely
leave aside the divine aspect within them. It is the right time for them to
learn about the divine aspect of feminity lying dormant in them. Just by
knowing the wonderful mystery of Das Mahavidhya so many revelations start to
happening within. Every Goddess has various aspect and characteristics which
represent few inherent female qualities. The Goddess encourages us to tread the
path further and realize the real mission of being on the Human Plane. They
show us the path that gives fulfillment and completeness still being a part of
the big worldly drama. The spiritual essence that is a part of every soul on
the Earth, is not being revealed by many. Especially Females feel left out in
this big spiritual transition that is taking place on the Earthy plane right
now. Shakti Tantra gives this wonderful opportunity to every female to discover
the “Divine Feminine Aspect” within. Every Goddess has a various theory and
meditational practices that give an ‘never before’ experience.
The Ten Wisdom Goddesses reveal the knowledge that takes us
towards the inner journey. Every layer of past experiences and emotions is
peeled out and bondage's start to loosen up as the wisdom starts to waken within